Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much homework should my child have?

Each child should be reading 15-20 minutes each night.  On average, your 
child should have math homework 3-4 times a week.  I do not assign homework 
on the weekend unless it involves studying spelling words or upcoming science
and social studies tests.  Overall, they should not have more than 30 
minutes of homework during the week.  This doesn't include their at home 

2. What should my child's Lexile score be in 4th grade?

At Emmons Lake we feel that a child should fall between the 771-900 range. 
Falling in this range puts them at the 4th grade / early fifth grade level.
Please see my "Links" icon on my home page for more information on finding
books for your child to read. 

3.  What is a Lexile score?

The Lexile score is numerical score the rates a child's reading level.  It's 
is calculated from a computer program called Scholastic Reading Inventory 
(SRI).  The score is individualized for each student and measures reading 
comprehension.  Once a Lexile score is computed, that score is converted to 
a grade level equivalent reading level. In 4th grade, a child takes the SRI 
assessment 3 times a year.  

4.  What's assessed on the 4th Grade M-Step?

In 4th grade, the kids are assessed on reading comprehension, writing, and math.

5.  What's the policy on homework?

Homework is expected to be completed by the next school day.  Extra 
curricular actvities do not count as an acceptable excuse. In case of 
emergencies, exceptions will be granted.  The penalty of late assignments is 
grade reduction and loss of Friday Fun Free Time.

6.  What should I see in my child's planner?

Your child's planner should be coming home each night completely filled out 
with the day's agenda.  A parent needs to read through the planner and sign 
at the bottom.  In the planner you will find upcoming events, quizzes, 
tests, and special projects with their due dates.

7.  What's the "Here's The Scoop"

"Here's The Scoop" is a weekly parent/teacher communication tool. 
Every other week I fill out a summary of your child's behavior and attitude for the
week and send it home in your child's Friday Folder.  In addition, you'll find a list
of all the work that has been graded and passed back for the week.  I expect
parents to sign this paper and write encouraging comments to their child and 
this paper is returned to school on Mondays

8.  What's Mr. Wanless' behavior policy?

In my classroom, each student is expected to respect every student and 
teacher that walks through my classroom door.  We have a class social 
contract that the kids themselves put together.  Students and teachers sign 
this contract and it becomes our guide for managing our classroom.  Students 
are given fouls if the contract is broken.  Multiple fouls in one day will 
result in loss of Friday Fun Time, letter/phone call home, or a minor/major write up report.

9.  What's a "Weekly Reading Log?"

Every Monday each child will be bringing home a weekly reading log.  This log needs to be filled out througout the week.  Each student needs to accumulate weekly minutes and when they return the log they will be put up on the "Reading Log All-Star" board.  These logs need to be returned every Monday. 

10. What's a "Math Log?"

Each week the kids will get a math log that needs to be completed and returned the following week.  Once they turn in their log they will be put up on the "Math Log All-Star" board.